Business in Hungary

Business in Hungary

Welcome to our Business in Hungary Toolkit!

Our chamber aims to support a more inclusive and sustainable business environment. For this purpose, we created our Business in Hungary Toolkit, which provides practical knowledge and consultation service for future or existing foreign and domestic enterprises in Hungary in business planning and administrative management.

Get to know our comprehensive guide to starting a business in Hungary.

We're thrilled that you've chosen to explore the intricacies and opportunities of establishing your enterprise in this dynamic European country, in Hungary.

This guide is meticulously curated to provide you with invaluable insights, step-by-step instructions, and essential documents necessary to navigate the process of initiating and growing your business venture within Hungary's vibrant economic landscape.

As you embark on this journey, you'll find a wealth of information within this section, including:

  1. Legal Requirements: Clear and concise explanations outlining the legal procedures and regulations involved in setting up a business entity in Hungary.
  2. Business Planning: Strategic guidance to assist you in crafting a business model canvas plan tailored to the Hungarian market, encompassing market research, financial projections, and more.
  3. Taxation and Compliance: In-depth details on tax obligations, compliance norms, and financial considerations crucial for sustaining and expanding your business.
  4. Resources and Support: Information on valuable resources, support networks, and governmental initiatives available to entrepreneurs, facilitating a smoother transition into the Hungarian business ecosystem.
  5. Case Studies and Success Stories: Real-life examples and success stories of businesses thriving in Hungary, offering inspiration and practical insights.
  6. Useful Documents: Access to documents essential for various business processes, such as business registration, legal guides, taxation and employment.

We understand that starting a business can be both exhilarating and challenging. This guide aims to be your companion, simplifying the complexities and empowering you with the knowledge required to be well-informed when making decisions or throughout your entrepreneurial journey.

Take advantage of our provided consultation service, which is individual counseling tailored to your business. Consulting can help with business development or business administration issues.

Meet our experts in our consultancy service HERE!

Register for our consultancy service by clicking HERE!


Enterpreneurs with voluntary membership at Budapest Chamber of Commerce an Industry  can use the first consultation session (2 hours) free of charge from 1 July to 30th September 2024. (More detailed information about voluntary membership and application can be found HERE!)

Should you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach us at

Explore the Business in Hungary Toolkit along the following topics:

  1. Business start-up/development
  2. Taxation
  3. Employment
  4. Useful knowledge

Wishing you great success and fulfillment as you embark on this exciting venture in Hungary!



Business start-up/development









Useful knowledge

