Client Gate - Company Gate

Client Gate

The client gate was created by the legislator with the aim of enabling citizens to manage their official affairs electronically. The client gate portal basically serves to maintain internet contact between individuals and offices, using a username and password assigned exclusively to the individual. With the help of the client gate portal, the website allows you to access the electronic administration of numerous ( 16 topic groups ) government services.

With client gate portal registration, office matters can be handled much more easily and quickly, both as an individual and in connection with a sole entrepreneurship. Here, for example, the following can be initiated: starting and suspending an individual business, but matters related to real estate title deeds, moral certificates or family support can also be handled.

Creating a client gate is free.


Individual persons who are listed as:

  • in the personal data and address register
  • in the central immigration police register, or
  • in the register of foreign persons using electronic administration

What documents are required for the Client Gate registration?

  1. For Hungarian citizens:

valid identification document ( identity card, driver's license, passport )

  1. For EEA citizens:

identity card or passport

  1. In the case of a foreign national outside the EEA:


You can register the Client Gate in person at the following locations:

  • In the government window or document office of capital and county government offices
  • In the government window or document office of district offices
  • National Tax and Customs Office priority client services
  • Hungarian diplomatic and consular missions
  • At certain postal client services
  • In the case of employees of state administration bodies and law enforcement agencies: at the state administration and law enforcement agencies

In an electronic way:

Holders of a valid identity card issued after January 1, 2016 can also manage the Client Gate registration on the government portal. It is necessary to enter a document ID and registration code.

For security reasons, the password entered during registration can be used for a maximum of 2 years.

If the password has expired, but 60 days have not yet passed since the expiration date, you can request an activation code with which a new password can be created using the "Forgot password" option.

After 60 days, activation of the Client Gate is only possible in person at the following locations:

  • in the government window or document office of the district offices
  • at the special client services of the National Tax and Customs Administration
  • at some postal client services

Matters and services that can be managed electronically using the client portal:

  • Booking an appointment at a government window or document office
  • Notification of expiring documents
  • Notifications related to identity cards (loss, theft, destruction)
  • Submission of Personal Income Tax (PIT) electronically
  • Sending a company report electronically
  • Verification of the insurance relationship
  • Land registry
  • Administration related to vehicle registration and administrative matters
  • Higher education admission application
  • Applying for a moral certificate
  • Application for a birth certificate

An individual entrepreneur must have a client portal right from the start, as the law requires data services during its operation that cannot be performed without a client portal (e.g. real-time submission of issued invoices to NAV)


Company Gate

The Cégkapu / Company Gate service was launched at the end of 2017, and its use by business organizations is mandatory from January 1, 2018. Like all electronic gates, Company Gate also primarily serves the purpose of developing electronic communication and administration for businesses.

Without client gate access, there is no company gate access! Therefore, Company Gate does not have a separate username or password, but the person acting on behalf of the business organization can access the company portal's storage through the identification of their own personal client gatekeeper.

More than 20 types of businesses and other organizations are required to use Company Gate, including business companies ( Bt., Kft. , Rt. ), associations, foundations, cooperatives, and individual companies.

From the point of view of the affected circle, an important rule is that the registration and notification obligation of the company gate does not apply to sole entrepreneurs, they can participate in the electronic administration by using the Client Gate, i.e. the personal storage space.

The Company Gate plays essentially the same role in the life of business organizations as the Client Gate does in the case of natural individual persons.

The Client Gate and the Company Gate are not suitable for sending documents to each other either, essentially, they can only accept e-mail sent to and from the Company Gate.

The most important difference is that there can be more than one Company Gate registration, while as an individual we can only have one Client Gate.
